Thursday, March 8, 2007

Ex-hard riddles !@##$%^^**

Welcome back to riddles for fun.
Here is a question: What cup do you swallow?
A) paper cup?
B) wood cup or
C) Not over here, type answer.

SO second question, THE seller dosen want it, the buyer don't use it, the user doesn't see it, What is it?

Hope u can find out? Dateline: 18 March 2007.


emmanuel. said...


Pokemon said...

not over here.C

I am Adrian goh said...

u are all right!

Ryan said...

come see my blog

Ryan said...

ur blog can save me time u no i dun have to type that code stuffy

Anonymous said...

Why don't you post each riddle as a separate blog entry? This way, people won't get confused whether this is your 1st or 2nd riddle.

Consider also posting other things. It might attract more visitors.

I am Adrian goh said...

Ok i wll find more hard riddles!!!